Nevin Manimala Statistics

Automatic Segmentation of Clinical Target Volumes for Post-Modified Radical Mastectomy Radiotherapy Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Front Oncol. 2021 Feb 16;10:581347. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.581347. eCollection 2020.


BACKGROUND: This study aims to construct and validate a model based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which can fulfil the automatic segmentation of clinical target volumes (CTVs) of breast cancer for radiotherapy.

METHODS: In this work, computed tomography (CT) scans of 110 patients who underwent modified radical mastectomies were collected. The CTV contours were confirmed by two experienced oncologists. A novel CNN was constructed to automatically delineate the CTV. Quantitative evaluation metrics were calculated, and a clinical evaluation was conducted to evaluate the performance of our model.

RESULTS: The mean Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of the proposed model was 0.90, and the 95th percentile Hausdorff distance (95HD) was 5.65 mm. The evaluation results of the two clinicians showed that 99.3% of the chest wall CTV slices could be accepted by clinician A, and this number was 98.9% for clinician B. In addition, 9/10 of patients had all slices accepted by clinician A, while 7/10 could be accepted by clinician B. The score differences between the AI (artificial intelligence) group and the GT (ground truth) group showed no statistically significant difference for either clinician. However, the score differences in the AI group were significantly different between the two clinicians. The Kappa consistency index was 0.259. It took 3.45 s to delineate the chest wall CTV using the model.

CONCLUSION: Our model could automatically generate the CTVs for breast cancer. AI-generated structures of the proposed model showed a trend that was comparable, or was even better, than those of human-generated structures. Additional multicentre evaluations should be performed for adequate validation before the model can be completely applied in clinical practice.

PMID:33665160 | PMC:PMC7921705 | DOI:10.3389/fonc.2020.581347

By Nevin Manimala

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