Nevin Manimala Statistics

A comprehensive management model to maximize the benefits of agriculture drainage water reuse

Water Environ Res. 2021 Mar 16. doi: 10.1002/wer.1559. Online ahead of print.


Water scarcity in Egypt is an escalating challenge due to the ever-increasing water demands and limited resources. Economically, agricultural drainage water reuse in irrigation (ADWR) is an essential option to cope with freshwater shortage. However, it requires environmentally sound management to minimize possible risks on irrigated soils and human health. Consequently, this research aims at assessing and managing the reuse process by developing a statistically-based quality control model capable to investigate the observed and expected capability of the process. Additionally, complementary corrective actions and the decision models were proposed when the reuse processes operate in violation of the standards. These models were tested and validated using data collected from the year 2015 to 2019 at the Delengat pump station in the Western Nile Delta region which mixes the Delengat drain water with the El-Hager irrigation canal. After raising the awareness amongst the farmers and providing them adequate sanitation services, it was inferred that the ADWR process could provide safe drainage water to be mixed with fresh water. Based on the performed simulations, both models proved to be systematic, quantitative, suitable for computers, and helpful in making informed decisions concerning the sustainability of the reuse process under future water uncertainty.

PMID:33725400 | DOI:10.1002/wer.1559

By Nevin Manimala

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