Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021 Mar 1;62(3):32. doi: 10.1167/iovs.62.3.32.
PURPOSE: New lasers with a continuous wave power exceeding 15 W are currently investigated for retinal therapies, promising highly localized effects at and close to the Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE). The goal of this work is to evaluate mechanisms and thresholds for RPE cell damage by means of pulse durations up to 50 µs.
METHODS: A diode laser with a wavelength of 514 nm, a power of 15 W, and adjustable pulse durations between 2 µs and 50 µs was used. Porcine RPE-choroidal explants (ex vivo) and chinchilla bastard rabbits (in vivo) were irradiated to determine threshold radiant exposures for RPE damage ({bar H_{Cell}}) by calcein vitality staining and fluorescence angiography, respectively. Thresholds for microbubble formation (MBF) ({bar H_{MBF}}) were evaluated by time-resolved optoacoustics. Exemplary histologies support the findings.
RESULTS: ({bar H_{{{MBF}}}}) is significantly higher than ({bar H_{Cell}}) at pulse durations ≥ 5 µs (P < 0.05) ex vivo, while at 2 µs, no statistically significant difference was found. The ratios between ({bar H_{{{MBF}}}}) and ({bar H_{Cell}}) increase with pulse duration from 1.07 to 1.48 ex vivo and 1.1 to 1.6 in vivo, for 5.2 and 50 µs.
CONCLUSIONS: Cellular damage with and without MBF related disintegration are both present and very likely to play a role for pulse durations ≥ 5 µs. With the lower µs pulses, selective RPE disruption might be possible, while higher values allow achieving spatially limited thermal effects without MBF. However, both modi require a very accurate real-time dosing control in order to avoid extended retinal disintegration in this power range.
PMID:33755044 | DOI:10.1167/iovs.62.3.32