Nevin Manimala Statistics

Patient knowledge and experience of hyperbaric oxygen treatment

Diving Hyperb Med. 2021 Mar 31;51(1):72-77. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.1.72-77.


INTRODUCTION: This paper presents a quantitative and qualitative study exploring patients’ knowledge and experience of hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT).

METHODS: Participants included 29 patients with appropriate indications who were undertaking HBOT at facilities in two different locations: Hobart, Australia, and Plymouth, United Kingdom. Participants completed surveys prior to commencing HBOT, after five sessions, and on completion of HBOT. Semi-structured one-to-one interviews were conducted with each individual on conclusion of their course. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and interpretive description.

RESULTS: Prior to referral, 15/29 (52%) of participants knew HBOT was used to treat divers, and of these, 9/15 (60%) were familiar with its use for non-divers. Only one third sought additional information about the process between referral for HBOT and attending their medical assessment. Anxiety was a pre-treatment concern amongst participants. However, when re-measured after five sessions and upon completion of the HBOT course, anxiety was reduced. The interview data revealed themes based around the physical, emotional and social aspects of HBOT: (1) anxiety within self; (2) naivety to normalisation; (3) enjoyment being a ‘diver’; and (4) burdens of HBOT.

CONCLUSIONS: Many patients experienced anxiety prior to commencing HBOT but, with support, quickly adjusted to treatment, transitioning from a state of naivety to normalisation in their experience of the hyperbaric chamber. They enjoyed feeling like a ‘diver’ and considered aspects of the burdens of treatment, such as finances or logistics, a minor inconvenience. These results highlight the need for psychosocial support during treatment by identifying gaps in patient preparation for HBOT.

PMID:33761544 | DOI:10.28920/dhm51.1.72-77

By Nevin Manimala

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