Nevin Manimala Statistics

Dust and microbial filtration performance of regular and antimicrobial HVAC filters in realistic conditions

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2021 Mar 25. doi: 10.1007/s11356-021-13330-w. Online ahead of print.


Two polypropylene HVAC electret filters: a regular filter and an antimicrobial filter containing zinc pyrithione (ZPT), were compared for filtration performance. The study was conducted over 7 months in realistic conditions with semi-urban outdoor air. Several parameters were monitored over the study period: the average temperature was about 20 °C and relative humidity about 60%, the average inlet concentration of cultivable microorganisms was 50 CFU m-3, the average inlet concentration of particles was 10 μg m-3, the filter pressure drop increased moderately by about 30 Pa, and the particle collection efficiency of soda fluorescein (median diameter 0.35 μm) decreased in the first half of the study period by about 30% and then stabilized. The microbial concentration on the filters was quantified every 2 months using an innovative methodology based on media coupons in conjunction with microorganism quantification by CFU counting, with 5 culture media favorable to bacteria and/or fungi growth. The microbial concentrations on the filters were between 100 and 2000 CFU cm-2. The antimicrobial effect of zinc pyrithione was confirmed by the fungi cultivated with DRBC agar: no effects in the level of filter clogging were revealed in the range studied. The high statistical deviation in the results regarding the inhibiting effect of zinc pyrithione on bacteria prevents any conclusion.

PMID:33765264 | DOI:10.1007/s11356-021-13330-w

By Nevin Manimala

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