Nevin Manimala Statistics

Effect of tongue-piercing on periodontal and periimplant health: A cross-sectional case-control study in adults

Int J Dent Hyg. 2021 Mar 26. doi: 10.1111/idh.12499. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVES: The authors hypothesize that periodontal and peri-implant inflammatory parameters are poorer in adult patients with tongue-piercing compared with controls. The aim was to assess the influence of tongue-piercing on periodontal and peri-implant health status in adults.

METHODS: Test and control groups comprised of individuals with and without tongue-piercing, respectively. A questionnaire was used to collect information about gender, age, duration of tongue piercing and implants in function, jaw location of the implant, reasoning for wearing the tongue-ornament, and oral hygiene and ornament cleaning habits. Full-mouth and peri-implant plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), clinical attachment loss (CAL), probing depth (PD) and marginal/crestal bone loss (MBL and CBL, respectively) on mesial and distal surfaces of teeth/implants were recorded. The material (plastic or metal) from which, the bar and ball-ends of the ornament were fabricated was also recorded. A P<0.01 was considered statistically significant.

RESULTS: Forty-eight and 49 individuals were included in the test- and control-groups, respectively. There was no difference in PI, GI, PD, CAL and MBL (mesial and distal) among individuals in the test and control groups. In the test group, peri-implant PI (P<0.01), GI (P<0.01), PD (P<0.01) and mesial (P<0.01) and distal (P<0.01) CBL were significantly higher in the anterior mandible compared with implants in other jaw locations. In the control-group, there was no difference in peri-implant PI, GI, PD and CBL around implants placed in both jaws.

CONCLUSION: Wearing tongue piercings could increase the risks of periodontal and peri-implant diseases particularly in the mandibular anterior segment.

PMID:33773044 | DOI:10.1111/idh.12499

By Nevin Manimala

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