Nevin Manimala Statistics

IET -What’s the Evaluation of Patients within this New Form of Treatment?

Psychiatr Prax. 2021 Mar 27. doi: 10.1055/a-1393-1163. Online ahead of print.


First descriptive statistics on satisfaction with Inpatient equivalent treatment (IET), gathered on self report, of 100 patients are presented. Data has been collected at two psychiatric hospitals in Südwürttemberg.In general results suggested high satisfaction. Approval rate on making use of this innovative treatment again, was 88 % (SD = 26.1). Differences between the distribution of satisfaction values, differentiated by clinic location or psychiatric main diagnosis, have been shown.Results indicate high acceptance by the persons concerned. After the establishment of IET within the past 3 years, these results are building a methodological basis and origin for a wide-ranging evaluation of satisfaction with this sort of crisis resolution within the “AKtiV-Studie” of the Innovationsfonds 2020-2023.

PMID:33773498 | DOI:10.1055/a-1393-1163

By Nevin Manimala

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