Nevin Manimala Statistics

Automatic identification of respiratory events based on nasal airflow and respiratory effort of chest and abdomen

Physiol Meas. 2021 Apr 22. doi: 10.1088/1361-6579/abfae5. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVE: Disease may cause changes in the individual’s respiratory pattern, which can be measured as parameters for evaluating disease, usually through manually annotated polysomnographic recordings. In this study, a machine learning model based on nasal airflow and respiratory effort of chest and abdomen is proposed to automatically identify respiratory events, including normal breathing event, hypopnea event and apnea event.

APPROACH: The nasal airflow and chest-abdominal respiratory effort signals were collected from Polysomnography (PSG). Time/frequency domain features, fractional fourier transform features and sample entropy were calculated to obtain feature sets. And selected features through statistical analysis were used as input variables of the machine learning model. The performance of different input combinations on different models was studied and cross-validated.

MAIN RESULTS: The dataset included PSG sleep records of 60 patients provided by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army General Hospital. The eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost)-based model performed best in several models with an accuracy of 0.807 and an f1-score of 0.807, depending on the combination of nasal airflow and two respiratory effort signals. The precision for normal breathing, hypopnea and apnea event were 0.764, 0.789 and 0.871 respectively. In addition, the recall score were 0.833, 0.768 and 0.823 for normal breathing, hypopnea and apnea event, respectively. Moreover, it was found that the standard deviation and kurtosis of nasal airflow were the most important features of respiratory event detection model.

SIGNIFICANCE: Since nasal airflow and respiratory effort of chest and abdomen contain the characteristics of respiratory events, their combined use can improve the classification performance in identifying respiratory events. With this method, respiratory events can be automatically detected and labeled from the PSG records, which can be used to screen for patients with Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome (SAHS).

PMID:33887711 | DOI:10.1088/1361-6579/abfae5

By Nevin Manimala

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