Nevin Manimala Statistics

The Relationship of Nursing Work Environment and Innovation Support with Nurses’ Innovative Behaviors and Outputs

J Nurs Manag. 2021 Apr 30. doi: 10.1111/jonm.13354. Online ahead of print.


AIM: To determine the relationship of nursing work environment and innovation support with nurses’ innovative behaviors and innovation outputs.

BACKGROUND: According to the Social Exchange Theory, nursing work environment must be regulated to support innovation for nurses’ innovative behaviors which results in useful innovation outputs.

METHODS: The sample of the research determined using the convenience sampling method consisted of 618 nurses working in four hospitals in Istanbul. In statistical analysis of the data, descriptive analyses, correlation and linear regression analysis were used.

RESULTS: It was found a significant correlation between nursing work environment and innovation support with innovative behavior and innovation outputs. It was found that innovative behavior was the variable that had a significant impact on nurses’ innovation outputs and the model explained 40.1% of the variance of innovation outputs. The model created for innovative behavior was determined to have an explanatory variance of 19.4%.

CONCLUSIONS: This study reveals the necessity for developing nurses’ innovative behaviors to increase innovation outputs, and examines the relationship of nurses’ innovative behaviors with nursing work environment and innovation support.

IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT: Nurse managers should create a nursing work environment that supports and develops nurses’ innovative behaviors.

PMID:33930243 | DOI:10.1111/jonm.13354

By Nevin Manimala

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