Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2021 May;146(10):677-682. doi: 10.1055/a-1380-1436. Epub 2021 May 6.
Specifying a singular specific cause of death or an appropriate causal chain in the death certificate can be challenging, especially in cases of elderly, multimorbid deceased persons.The German cause of death statistics suggest that mental illnesses, including dementia, are beneath the most frequent causes of death. But when looking at death certificates in the context of dementia considerable information gaps and a lack of plausibility in the causal chain can be observed quite regularly.In this article we give recommendations for the correct designation of the cause of death and underlying diseases in the death certificate. These recommendations are not only to be seen against an academic background. The correct registration of dementia in the causes of death statistics may be a basis for decision making in health politics and is hence in the interest of optimal patient care.
PMID:33957690 | DOI:10.1055/a-1380-1436