PLoS One. 2021 May 28;16(5):e0252432. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252432. eCollection 2021.
BACKGROUND: Female sex workers (FSW), due to their working conditions, have an increased likelihood of heavy episodic drinking (HED), which is associated with risky sexual behavior. Nevertheless the specific contribution of HED to risky sexual behavior among FSWs in Ethiopia is not well documented for prevention activities.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to explore the determinants and consequences of HED among FSWs in Ethiopia.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study using respondent-driven sampling was conducted among 4886 FSWs in 11 major towns in Ethiopia in 2014. A structured interview was performed, and data were examined using descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression analyses.
RESULTS: Most (66%) FSWs consumed alcohol, and the prevalence of HED was 29.1%. Compared to street-based FSWs, those who worked in bars/hotels and local drinking houses had 2.19 and 1.29 times higher odds of HED, respectively. FSWs who started selling sex when younger than 18 years (compared to those who started when older than 25 years) and those who were forced into selling sex had 1.48 and 2.91 times higher odds of HED, respectively. FSWs with more income from selling sex and FSWs who chewed khat reported increased odds of HED. Moreover, FSWs with experience of HED reported 1.27 and 1.44 times higher odds of physical beating and condom breakage/slippage, respectively. Furthermore, the population attributable risk fraction of HED among FSWs showed that 6.2% of physical beating and 8.9% of condom breakage/slippage could be attributed to HED.
CONCLUSION: In general, several factors increase the experience of HED, and HED in turn increases the likelihood of violence and condom breakage. These factors could inform programs and intervention activities among FSWs populations.
PMID:34048485 | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0252432