Nevin Manimala Statistics

Oxidative biomarkers of exhaled breath condensate in adults exposed to traffic-related air pollution: A case-control study

J Breath Res. 2021 Jun 10. doi: 10.1088/1752-7163/ac09fa. Online ahead of print.


Objective Traffic-related air pollution exposure (TRAP) is a major public health problem. The effects of TRAP exposure on oxidative biomarkers of exhaled breath condensate (EBC) of adults are not much studied. We compared the oxidative EBC biomarkers in a group of individuals exposed to TRAP with those unexposed to TRAP.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: We conducted a case-control study at Bhopal City (Madhya Pradesh, India). Adults with a history of exposure to TRAP were enrolled as cases and adults with less exposure to TRAP as control. Based on respiratory symptoms and smoking habits, study subjects were stratified into six subgroups. EBC was collected by TURBO14 (Medivac SRL, Italy) at -50 c. EBC pH was measured after gas standardization with Argon. EBC hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), Cystenine Leukotrienes (Cys-LTs), 8-isoprostane were measured by commercial ELISA kit.

RESULTS: Total 250 consecutive adults (male: 194) subjects were recruited. Among them, 133 were TRAP-exposed (Male: 128) and 117 were non-TRAP-exposed (male: 66). The respiratory symptoms between TRAP-exposed and non-TRAP-exposed were not different. The post-gas standardized EBC pH (median: 7.72; IQR: 7.15-7.94 vs. median: 7.60, IQR: 6.72-7.87; p=0.09) and EBC H2O2 (median: 2.20 µmol/l; IQR: 1.46-3.51 vs. median: 1.99, IQR: 1.41-3.10; p=0.29) in TRAP-exposed subjects were statistically not different from the non-TRAP-exposed. The EBC Cys-LTs (median: 69.81; IQR: 57.0-83.38 vs. median: 47.21 pg/ml; IQR: 39.90-54.87, p<0.001) and EBC 8-isoprostane (median: 12.55 pg/ml; IQR: 5.51-18.09 vs. median: 7.12; IQR: 4.60-16.04, p=0.026) in TRAP-exposed subjects were higher compared to non-TRAP-exposed. The subgroup analysis showed TRAP-exposed, irrespective of their smoking habits and respiratory symptoms had higher EBC Cys-LTs compared to the non-TRAP-exposed.

CONCLUSION: TRAP exposure increases oxidative biomarkers of the EBC in adults.

PMID:34111861 | DOI:10.1088/1752-7163/ac09fa

By Nevin Manimala

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