Nevin Manimala Statistics

Beliefs and Experience of Journaling in Mothers of Adult Children With Substance Use Problems: A Pilot Study

J Addict Nurs. 2021 Jun 10. doi: 10.1097/JAN.0000000000000410. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: The challenges experienced by mothers supporting an adult child with substance use problems suggest intervention is needed to improve such mothers’ psychosocial well-being through adaptive coping.

AIMS: This study examined beliefs about journaling as well as changes in stress, cortisol levels, and mental health after a 6-week intervention by mothers whose adult children had substance use problems. In addition, the study explored coping methods used and the experience of writing among these mothers.

METHODS: A purposeful sample of 17 mothers completed the pretest and posttest. Participating mothers were asked to make journal entries at least 3 times per week for 6 weeks.

RESULTS: The mothers used diverse adaptive coping methods to manage stress. In particular, they frequently used religious and meaning-focused coping. The mothers perceived journaling as a highly valuable coping method for daily stress. The findings of paired t tests indicated no statistically significant differences in the stress, mental health variables, and cortisol levels between pretest and posttest. However, participants shared the positive experiences of journaling: emotional well-being, stress management, perspective changes, focus, self-regulation, clarity, and gratitude.

CONCLUSION: The present finding suggests journaling is a practical means to promoting adaptive coping in mothers with adult children who have substance use problems.

PMID:34115696 | DOI:10.1097/JAN.0000000000000410

By Nevin Manimala

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