Rev Bras Enferm. 2021 Jun 16;74(2):e20190663. doi: 10.1590/0034-7167-2019-0663. eCollection 2021.
OBJECTIVES: to analyze the average direct cost of PICC insertion by nurses.
METHODS: this is a unique case study with a quantitative approach. The observation took place in a public hospital, collecting information on inputs used and procedure length. For the calculation of costs, time was multiplied by nurses’ costs plus supplies. The US dollar was used to present the calculations. In the analysis, descriptive statistics of measures of central tendency and variability were used.
RESULTS: the sample corresponded to 139 observations. The average cost of PICC insertion totaled US$286.04, with 90.8% of materials, mainly catheter, and 9.2% of the labor. The procedure took an average of 50 minutes, at US$0.26 per minute for nurses. Conclusions: the average direct cost of PICC insertion was US$286.04, with emphasis on the catheter. The results can support management decisions for adequate material and professional sizing.
PMID:34161537 | DOI:10.1590/0034-7167-2019-0663