Am J Intellect Dev Disabil. 2021 Jul 1;126(4):324-340. doi: 10.1352/1944-7558-126.4.324.
Young children with developmental disabilities (DD) exhibit a range of strengths and weaknesses in cognitive, language, and adaptive skills. Identifying individual patterns of abilities across these domains is important for informing interventions. This study examines how 129 toddlers with significant developmental delays and less than 10 spoken words perform across different developmental domains and assessment methods (i.e., caregiver report and clinician-administered tests). Children exhibited statistically and clinically meaningful strengths and weaknesses across developmental domains, which may have important implications for differential interventions. Caregiver-reported and clinician-rated measures of cognition, language and adaptive functioning were highly related. However, the relation between caregiver report and clinician ratings was weaker for a subgroup of children with relatively more limited expressive language compared to other children in the sample.
PMID:34161562 | DOI:10.1352/1944-7558-126.4.324