Nevin Manimala Statistics

Enhancement of Sensorimotor Cortical Adaptation after Dental Implantation in Comparison to the Conventional Denture – Demonstration by Functional MRI at 1-5T

Neurol India. 2021 May-Jun;69(3):665-669. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.317239.


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Dental implantation is thought to be associated with enhancement of neuro-cortical sensorimotor activity which has been lost due to an edentulous state. Such changes are either feeble or absent after the placement of a conventional denture. In the present study, we test this hypothesis using blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) activity on functional MRI (fMRI) as a bio-surrogate.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: fMRI was performed in 12 consecutive edentulous subjects (mean age = 59.2 years) after the placement of a conventional complete denture (CD) and subsequently after intraoral dental implantation (IOD). The semi-quantitative data of the BOLD activity was compiled to depict the activation seen in both scenarios in six anatomical regions. Statistical analysis was done to evaluate the significance of enhancement in BOLD activity in these regions in patients having an IOD as compared to those having a CD.

RESULTS: The enhancement of BOLD activity on fMRI after placement of an IOD was much more significant as compared to that noted with CD. Using Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test the nonparametric data showed a significant positive elevation in global and regional assigned mean ranks of BOLD activity.

CONCLUSION: Intraoral implantation leads to a significant elevation in the BOLD activity of the sensorimotor cortex as compared to the placement of a conventional CD.

PMID:34169865 | DOI:10.4103/0028-3886.317239

By Nevin Manimala

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