Nevin Manimala Statistics

Fully- versus conventionally guided implant placement by dental students. A randomized controlled trial

Clin Oral Implants Res. 2021 Jun 24. doi: 10.1111/clr.13802. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVE: To compare fully guided with conventionally guided implant surgery performed by dental students in terms of deviation of actual implant position from an ideal implant position.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-five patients in need of 26 straightforward implant-supported single crowns were randomly allocated to a fully guided (FG, n=14) or a conventionally guided (CG, n=12) implant surgery. In the preoperative CBCTs, 3 experienced investigators placed a virtual implant in the ideal position, twice, allowing deviational analysis in the facio-lingual (coronal) and mesio-distal (sagittal) planes for 7 parameters. Facio-lingual crestal deviation, facio-lingual apical deviation, facio-lingual angular deviation, mesio-distal crestal deviation, mesio-distal apical deviation, mesio-distal angular deviation and vertical deviation between the ideal, virtually placed position and actual implant position for the FG- and CG-groups were compared statistically (p<0.05) RESULTS: Statistically significant differences between ideal and actual implant position were only seen for the facio-lingual apical deviation (p= 0.047) and for the facio-lingual angular deviation (p= 0.019), where the CG-group deviated more from the ideal position than the FG-group. The 5 other examined variables did not show any significant differences and none of the implants in the FG-group and CG-group were placed in conflict with the clinical guidelines.

CONCLUSIONS: The present study reported no difference in 5 out of 7 deviational parameters concerning actual implant position in relation to ideal implant position between a FG and CG implant placement protocol performed by dental students. Facio-lingual angular deviation and apical deviation were lower, when a FG protocol was followed. All implants were positioned according to clinical guidelines.

PMID:34166539 | DOI:10.1111/clr.13802

By Nevin Manimala

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