Nevin Manimala Statistics

Community Pharmacists, Pharmacy Counter Assistants and Oral Health Promotion in Plateau State, Nigeria

West Afr J Med. 2021 Jun 26;38(6):544-548.


OBJECTIVE: The involvement of community pharmacists (CPs) in oral health promotion is increasingly recognized and encouraged. However, a large proportion of interactions in community pharmacies take place with pharmacy counter assistants (PCAs) rather than the pharmacist. The study aimed to compare the knowledge and dispositions of PCAs and CPs in Plateau State, Nigeria, towards oral health.

METHODS: A cross-sectional study of community pharmacies in the state. PCAs (n=164) and CPs (n=119) were involved in the study. The PCAs and CPs were given a questionnaire containing 24-items on knowledge of oral health and other variables. One sample and independent sample t-tests were used to assess knowledge scores and mean differences between knowledge scores of PCAs and CPs.

RESULTS: The knowledge scores for CPs were between 11- 21, mean of 17.27±2.44. PCAs had a range of 6-21, mean of 16.05±2.56. Two PCAs had poor knowledge. Taking 16 (out of 24) as the minimum pass score, a one-sample t-test showed good knowledge for CPs: M=17.2, SD=2.44, t(118)=5.67, p<.001 but not PCAs M=16.1, SD=2.56, t(163)=.244, p=.808. Also, there was a statistically significant difference between the mean knowledge score of CPs and PCAs t(281) = -4.06, p<.001. Nearly all the CPs (93.9%) and the PCAs (96.3%) were willing to serve as oral health agents.

CONCLUSION: PCAs are not as knowledgeable as CPs on oral health in Plateau state though they both perceived a role for themselves in promoting oral health. Their disposition towards oral health could serve as a platform to help propagate oral health care and awareness in their communities.


By Nevin Manimala

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