Nevin Manimala Statistics

Process-Property Relationships for Melt-Spun Poly(lactic acid) Yarn

ACS Omega. 2021 Jun 9;6(24):15920-15928. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.1c01557. eCollection 2021 Jun 22.


Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is an attractive biomaterial due to its biocompatibility, biodegradability, and fiber-forming ability. However, the polymer is highly susceptible to both hydrolytic and thermal degradation during processing. Melt processing conditions typically involve high temperature and shear, whereas to prevent premature degradation, PLA needs to be processed under the mildest conditions that still yield the desired yarn properties. Thus, there is a need to determine the optimum processing conditions to achieve the desired properties of extruded PLA yarn. This study focuses on the effect of melt-spinning process parameters on the mechanical and physicochemical properties of the resulting PLA yarn and to derive their process-property relationships. The study compares the effect of process parameters like melt temperature, throughput through the spinneret, take-up speed at the wind-up roller, draw ratio, and drawing temperature on the yarn properties such as the yarn size (linear mass density), tenacity, elongation at break, crystallinity, and molecular weight. Depending on the combination of process parameters, the resulting PLA yarn had a yarn size ranging from 6.2 to 101.6 tex, tenacity ranging from 2.5 to 34.1 gf/tex, elongation at break ranging from 4 to 480%, and degree of crystallinity ranging from 14.6 to 62.2%. Certain combinations of processing parameters resulted in higher process-induced degradation, as evident from the reduction in molecular weight, ranging from 7.6% reduction to 20.5% reduction. Findings from this study increase our understanding on how different process parameters can be utilized to achieve the desired properties of the as-spun and drawn PLA yarn while controlling process-induced premature degradation.

PMID:34179636 | PMC:PMC8223423 | DOI:10.1021/acsomega.1c01557

By Nevin Manimala

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