Nevin Manimala Statistics

A Systems View of Emotion in Socio-political Context

Affect Sci. 2021 Jul 7:1-10. doi: 10.1007/s42761-021-00051-z. Online ahead of print.


Most work to date in psychology and related sciences has examined simple, unidirectional causal processes of emotion affecting socio-political context or vice versa. In this classic, mechanistic view of science, each empirical observation stands on its own as a piece of some grander, not yet understandable, puzzle of nature. There have been repeated calls to eschew classic approaches in favor of systems meta-theory in psychology and related sciences. In this paper, we join these calls by arguing that systems meta-theory can better enable the study of emotions in socio-political contexts. We offer a brief primer on systems meta-theory, delineating three key beneficial features: multi-leveled, complex, and dynamic. Viewing emotion as a system of systems-within the person, their relationships (to others), and within the world (locally and globally)-enables fresh theory, method, and statistical analysis well suited to the study of emotion in a socio-political context.

PMID:34250508 | PMC:PMC8260573 | DOI:10.1007/s42761-021-00051-z

By Nevin Manimala

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