Nevin Manimala Statistics

Structured patterns of activity in pulse-coupled oscillator networks with varied connectivity

PLoS One. 2021 Aug 11;16(8):e0256034. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256034. eCollection 2021.


Identifying coordinated activity within complex systems is essential to linking their structure and function. We study collective activity in networks of pulse-coupled oscillators that have variable network connectivity and integrate-and-fire dynamics. Starting from random initial conditions, we see the emergence of three broad classes of behaviors that differ in their collective spiking statistics. In the first class (“temporally-irregular”), all nodes have variable inter-spike intervals, and the resulting firing patterns are irregular. In the second (“temporally-regular”), the network generates a coherent, repeating pattern of activity in which all nodes fire with the same constant inter-spike interval. In the third (“chimeric”), subgroups of coherently-firing nodes coexist with temporally-irregular nodes. Chimera states have previously been observed in networks of oscillators; here, we find that the notions of temporally-regular and chimeric states encompass a much richer set of dynamical patterns than has yet been described. We also find that degree heterogeneity and connection density have a strong effect on the resulting state: in binomial random networks, high degree variance and intermediate connection density tend to produce temporally-irregular dynamics, while low degree variance and high connection density tend to produce temporally-regular dynamics. Chimera states arise with more frequency in networks with intermediate degree variance and either high or low connection densities. Finally, we demonstrate that a normalized compression distance, computed via the Lempel-Ziv complexity of nodal spike trains, can be used to distinguish these three classes of behavior even when the phase relationship between nodes is arbitrary.

PMID:34379694 | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0256034

By Nevin Manimala

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