J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2021 Jul;27:507-511. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2021.02.013. Epub 2021 Mar 17.
OBJECTIVE: Activation of the trunk and lower limb muscles, namely the multifidus, rectus abdominis, rectus femoris, and tibialis anterior, was analyzed using surface electromyographyin 40 young, healthy, and sedentary individuals.
METHODS: Data were collected from sneaker-clad subjects with independent gait and during hippotherapy using saddles and blankets, with the feet in and out of the stirrups.
RESULTS: Surface electromyography results demonstrated a statistically significantly greater activation of the rectus femoris comparison to tibialis anterior muscle during hippotherapy. No statistically significant differences were observed when comparing variables related to the mount materials used in hippotherapy and human gait.
CONCLUSION: In this study, similarities were observed between activation of the trunk and lower limb muscles during hippotherapy and human gait. In addition, the mount materials and practices used in hippotherapy did not influence muscle activity.
PMID:34391279 | DOI:10.1016/j.jbmt.2021.02.013