Nevin Manimala Statistics

Correlation between acute brain injury and brain metabonomics in dichlorvos-poisoned broilers

J Hazard Mater. 2021 Aug 8;422:126849. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.126849. Online ahead of print.


Dichlorvos (DDVP) is an insecticide with neurotoxicity that is widely used in agricultural production and life. However, the effects of acute DDVP poisoning on brain tissue remain underinvestigated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the differences within 15 min-6 h in plasma biochemical indexes, brain histology and metabolites among three groups of commercial broilers orally administered different dosages of DDVP one time: (1) high-dose group (11.3 mg/kg), (2) low-dose group (2.48 mg/kg) and (3) control group (0 mg/kg). The results of biochemical indexes showed that acute DDVP poisoning could cause hyperglycemia and oxidative stress in poisoned broilers. Histological examination showed that DDVP could induce brain edema, abnormal expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and neuronal mitochondrial damage in broilers. Whole-brain metabolism showed that DDVP could significantly change the secretion of neurotransmitters, energy metabolism, amino acid metabolism and nucleotide metabolism. Correlation analysis showed that metabolites such as hypoxanthine, acetylcarnitine and glucose 6-phosphate were significantly correlated with blood glucose, biomarkers of oxidative stress and brain injury pathology. The results of this study provide new insights into the molecular mechanism of brain tissue responses to acute DDVP exposure in broilers and deliver important information for clinical research on neurodegenerative diseases caused by acute DDVP poisoning.

PMID:34416688 | DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.126849

By Nevin Manimala

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