Nevin Manimala Statistics

A multinational case-control study comparing forensic and non-forensic patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: the EU-VIORMED project

Psychol Med. 2021 Sep 13:1-11. doi: 10.1017/S0033291721003433. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: The relationship between schizophrenia and violence is complex. The aim of this multicentre case-control study was to examine and compare the characteristics of a group of forensic psychiatric patients with a schizophrenia spectrum disorders and a history of significant interpersonal violence to a group of patients with the same diagnosis but no lifetime history of interpersonal violence.

METHOD: Overall, 398 patients (221 forensic and 177 non-forensic patients) were recruited across five European Countries (Italy, Germany, Poland, Austria and the United Kingdom) and assessed using a multidimensional standardised process.

RESULTS: The most common primary diagnosis in both groups was schizophrenia (76.4%), but forensic patients more often met criteria for a comorbid personality disorder, almost always antisocial personality disorder (49.1 v. 0%). The forensic patients reported lower levels of disability and better social functioning. Forensic patients were more likely to have been exposed to severe violence in childhood. Education was a protective factor against future violence as well as higher levels of disability, lower social functioning and poorer performances in cognitive processing speed tasks, perhaps as proxy markers of the negative syndrome of schizophrenia. Forensic patients were typically already known to services and in treatment at the time of their index offence, but often poorly compliant.

CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the need for general services to stratify patients under their care for established violence risk factors, to monitor patients for poor compliance and to intervene promptly in order to prevent severe violent incidents in the most clinically vulnerable.

PMID:34511148 | DOI:10.1017/S0033291721003433

By Nevin Manimala

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