Clin Oral Implants Res. 2021 Sep 29. doi: 10.1111/clr.13864. Online ahead of print.
OBJECTIVES: This in-vitro study examined the effect of different implant drilling template designs on heat generation during osteotomy and on cooling fluid distribution.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Five different template designs were investigated in a standardized setup against a control group and a negative control group: Occlusal-splint-design (OSD), OSD-covering, OSD-lateral opening, Bar design, and Orientation template. Pilot and one consecutive drill were run at 800 rpm with external irrigation and 2-kg load. Thermocouples recorded temperature changes at depths of 3 mm, 6 mm, and 9 mm in a bovine rib model. In the second experimental setup, the drill channel of one rib sample was perforated, and the irrigation volume passing through the drill channel was collected separately over time.
RESULTS: Following mean temperature rises occurred [in °C]: control, 4.9; negative control, 12; OSD, 5.6; OSD-covering, 4.7; OSD-lateral opening, 3.8; Bar design, 5.1; and Orientation template, 4.9. The highest temperature increases were found at a drilling depth of 6 mm (p<0.006). The 2.2-mm drill resulted in a significantly higher temperature rise than the 2.8-mm drill (p<0.001). The mean volume (ml/min) of irrigation through the drill channel was: Control group-flow, 28.5; OSD, 4.1; OSD-covering, 2; OSD-lateral opening; 5.8; bar design, 4; and Orientation template, 24.1.
CONCLUSION: Within the limitations, it was shown that fully-guided drilling templates reduce the amount of cooling liquid at the point of osteotomy. The template design had an influence on the effective volume of the cooling liquid. However, this did not seem to increase the intraosseous temperature significantly.
PMID:34587303 | DOI:10.1111/clr.13864