Nevin Manimala Statistics

Current Status of Lung Cancer and Surgery Based on Studies Using a Nationwide Database

J Chest Surg. 2021 Dec 15. doi: 10.5090/jcs.21.105. Online ahead of print.


Lung cancer is a fatal disease, highlighting the importance of research on related topics, including surgery for lung cancer. However, systematic research analyzing surgery on a national scale is limited. This study aimed to investigate the research on lung cancer using nationwide data in South Korea and to analyze trends in lung cancer surgery, including its clinical implications. Published articles and data from the Korean National Health Insurance database were used. Although the incidence and mortality of lung cancer have been improving, it is predicted to be the most common and fatal type of cancer in South Korea in 2021. The number of surgical procedures for lung cancer is increasing, especially among women, those ≥76 years of age, residents of non-metropolitan cities, and middle-income patients. Lobectomy and sublobectomy, including segmentectomy, are increasingly common. However, the proportion of pneumonectomy relative to other procedures is not increasing. Surgery has shown a reasonable survival rate, especially after lobectomy, but survival remains poor in patients ≥76 years of age who undergo pneumonectomy. The frequency of lung cancer surgery is increasing concomitantly with various socioeconomic changes. Lobectomy has become increasingly common, and the clinical results of surgery are satisfactory. Further research on the changing composition of surgical candidates is required.

PMID:34907096 | DOI:10.5090/jcs.21.105

By Nevin Manimala

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