Nevin Manimala Statistics


Probl Radiac Med Radiobiol. 2021 Dec;26:219-234. doi: 10.33145/2304-8336-2021-26-219-234.


OBJECTIVE: to determine the place of health in the system of values of the population of the surveillance zone (SZ)of nuclear power plants (NPPs) and its importance in the perception of emergency risks (ER).

MATERIALS AND METHODS: To determine the place of health in the value system, a survey of the able-bodied popula-tion of satellite cities of Rivne (RNPP) and South Ukrainian (SUNPP) nuclear power plants was conducted using non-repetitive sampling, where the sampling error does not exceed 7,0 %. The motivational and behavioral componentthat determined health in the individual hierarchy of values of the subject according to the questionnaireBerezovskaya R. A. was studied. Statistical and mathematical methods were used in the research process.

RESULTS: The array of respondents was conditionally divided into 4 groups according to their attitude to humanhealth. And the group where a person’s life position is focused exclusively on health is the most common – 77,0 %.Group IV, which wants to live without limiting itself, is 8,1 %. The component integrity of values-goals and values-means among the urban population of the SZ of both nuclear power plants is the same: the main goal in life is health,happy family life, and as a means – perseverance, diligence and health. Goal values in groups I and IV have somedifferences: in the first group of respondents the main goal in life is health, and in the fourth, where a person’s lifeguidelines exclude any restrictions – a happy family life. Values for these populations have some differences, but inboth groups health appears to be the main means to an end. There is a close correlation between the core of termi-nal values and the average indicators of the state of concern about the risk of emergencies.

CONCLUSIONS: Identified hierarchy of values: a group of stable dominant values; average status values; group of leastsignificant values. The values of the highest status among the values-goals are – health, happy family life and inte-resting work. Most respondents plan to achieve them through values such as «health», «perseverance and hardwork». There is a close correlation between the core of terminal values and the average indicators of the state ofconcern about the risk of emergencies.

PMID:34965550 | DOI:10.33145/2304-8336-2021-26-219-234

By Nevin Manimala

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