Appl Radiat Isot. 2022 Mar 11;184:110192. doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2022.110192. Online ahead of print.
Isomeric cross sections for the 90Zr(n, α)87Srm, 93Nb(n, α)90Ym and 92Mo(n, α)89Zrm reactions were measured at five neutron energies over the range 13.73 MeV-14.77 MeV using the activation technique in combination with high resolution γ-ray spectrometry. In the present work, the cross sections are measured for the 90Zr(n, α)87Srm and 93Nb(n, α)90Ym reactions are referenced to the 27Al(n, α)24Na standard reaction cross section whereas those measured for 92Mo(n, α)89Zrm reaction are referenced to the 56Fe(n, p)56Mn standard reaction cross section. The cross sections for these reactions were also theoretically estimated using the EMPIRE-3.2 and TALYS 1.8 codes over the neutrons energy range of 10 MeV-20 MeV and matched with the experimental cross sections by making a proper choice of the model parameters. A minimum eight different sets of these statistical model calculations were performed by using the consistent sets of model parameters along with the pre-equilibrium mechanism in addition to the direct-reaction and the statistical Hauser-Feshbach (HF) compound nucleus ones. The measured cross sections for these three reactions increase with the increase in neutron energy from 13.73 MeV to 14.77 MeV. As the proton number increased by one when we go from zirconium to niobium or from niobium to molybdenum, the probability of alpha particle emission also increases at each corresponding neutron energy. The present results indicate that the measured cross section at each neutron energy for the 92Mo(n, α)89Zrm reaction is found to be the highest as compared to the other two reactions whereas, for the 90Zr(n, α)87Srm reaction, the measured cross section is found to be the lowest as compared to the other two reactions studied. The results obtained from the present measurement are found to be in good agreement with the calculated reaction cross section based on theoretical models and also with the work reported by earlier authors.
PMID:35305484 | DOI:10.1016/j.apradiso.2022.110192