Environ Geochem Health. 2022 Mar 21. doi: 10.1007/s10653-022-01242-8. Online ahead of print.
Combining environmental isotope analysis with principal component analysis can be an effective method to discriminate the inflows and sources of contamination in mining-affected watersheds. This paper presents a field-scale study conducted at an acid mine drainage (AMD)-contaminated site adjacent to a pyrite mine in South China. Samples of surface water and groundwater were collected to investigate transport in the vadose zone using stable isotopes of oxygen (δ18O) and hydrogen (δD) as environmental tracers. Principal component analysis of hydrogeochemical data was used to identify the probable sources of heavy metals in the AMD. The heavy metal pollution index (HPI) was applied to evaluate the pollution status of heavy metals in the groundwater. The groundwater associated with the Datai reservoir was recharged by atmospheric precipitation and surface water. On the side near the AMD pond, the groundwater was significantly affected by the soluble metals produced by pyrite oxidation. The concentrations of some metals (Al, Mn, and Pb) in all of the samples exceed the desirable limits prescribed by the World Health Organization (Guidelines for drinking-water quality, 4th edn. World Health Organization, Geneva, 2011). Among them, the concentration of Al is more than 30,000 times higher than the desirable limits prescribed by the World Health Organization (2011), and the concentration of Mn is more than 3000 times higher. The HPI values based on these heavy metal concentrations were found to be 10-1000 times higher than the critical pollution index value of 100. These findings provide a reference and guidance for research on the migration and evolution of heavy metals in vadose zone water in AMD-contaminated areas.
PMID:35312930 | DOI:10.1007/s10653-022-01242-8