Braz Oral Res. 2022 Apr 15;36:e054. doi: 10.1590/1807-3107bor-2022.vol36.0054. eCollection 2022.
This in vitro study evaluated the potential of CO2 laser (10.6 μm) combined with a stannous/fluoride-containing solution for preventing erosion in human/bovine enamel. Forty-eight samples of each substrate were randomly allocated to four groups (n = 12): W – distilled water; E – AmF/NaF/SnCl2 solution; L – CO2 laser; and LE – CO2 laser+AmF/NaF/SnCl2 solution. After surface treatments, samples were submitted to a 5-day erosive challenge, alternating immersions in 0.5% citric acid (2 minutes, 6x/day) and in artificial saliva. Optical profilometry (μm) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to determine surface loss and surface morphology, respectively. Data were statistically analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s tests (p < 0.05). For human enamel, tissue loss was lower in group L (12.37 ± 4.46) than in group W (16.45 ± 2.76), and higher than in the groups treated with AmF/NaF/SnCl2 solution (E-5.44 ± 2.37; LE-5.55 ± 2.31). In group L, SEM images reveled a disorganized surface but fewer projections than in group W and LE showed fewer irregularities than W, E, and L. For bovine enamel, tissue loss in group L (13.90 ± 3.50) did not differ from that in group W (14.10 ± 2.98), and was higher than losses in groups E (5.70 ± 2.12) and LE (8.12 ± 2.56), which were statistically similar to each other. Groups W and L had similar aspects of demineralization, whereas groups E and LE showed homogenous surfaces. Surface-treated samples had no changes in their surfaces. CO2 laser was able to slightly prevent surface loss only on human enamel surface, but did not enhance the AmF/NaF/SnCl2 effect on the prevention of enamel erosion.
PMID:35442383 | DOI:10.1590/1807-3107bor-2022.vol36.0054