Probl Sotsialnoi Gig Zdravookhranenniiai Istor Med. 2022 Mar;30(2):270-274. doi: 10.32687/0869-866X-2022-30-2-270-274.
The primary health care is characterized by its directivity to population health, while general practitioner is key figure in its organization and is responsible for assigned population health. The Russian Federation continues to suffer from overspecialization of medical care in outpatient health care. At that, the number of unreasonable visits to medical specialists is too high. The general practitioner, with appropriate training, can appoint patients by 11 specialties and in conditions of municipal polyclinic can undertake up to 81% of visits to medical specialists. The purpose of the study is to evaluate primary health care functioning in Moscow and to formulate proposals for reforming health care, considering development of general medical practices in a metropolis. The study was focused on analysis of morbidity of population of Moscow, on support of out-patient health care with physicians before and after implementation of three-level system of ambulatory polyclinic care, on evaluation of preventive activities of general practitioners and on development of proposals for improving organizational forms of activities with emphasis on health preservation. In the study were applied such methods as statistical, direct observation, sociological. The analysis was applied to forms of federal statistical observation i.e. form № 30 in Moscow and the Russian Federation for 2010-2019. The population sociological surveys concerning satisfaction with medical care were carried out. The research base was Moscow. The analysis demonstrated that results of Moscow health care system reformation is economically effective because of shortage of medical personnel primarily of administrative staff and its rational employment. The reformation results were positively assessed by patients, whose satisfaction with medical care made up to 95.6%. The general practitioner is to be responsible for health status of attached population and is called upon not only to carry out treatment and preventive activities, but also to coordinate organization of medical care of attached population at all stages of its provision. The implementation of general medical practice in conditions of municipality is to calculate complete transition of medical organizations providing out-patient medical care to general medical practice, that will result to certain extent, in reduction of staff positions of medical specialists. It is necessary to expand duties of medical nurse in general practice. The optimal model of joint work of general practitioner with feldsher and medical nurse of general practice. The complex general practice team can include medical registrar. The proposed perspective models permit to implement integrating role of general practitioner and to increase accessibility and efficiency of primary health care.
PMID:35439388 | DOI:10.32687/0869-866X-2022-30-2-270-274