Probl Sotsialnoi Gig Zdravookhranenniiai Istor Med. 2022 Mar;30(2):264-269. doi: 10.32687/0869-866X-2022-30-2-264-269.
One of important directions in improving effectiveness of out-patient surgical medical care is development of in-patient replacement forms. The purpose of the study. is to investigate volume of surgical work performed in medical organizations providing outpatient care in the Russian Federation in 2010-2019. To evaluate changes in dynamics of number and structure of implemented surgical operations, number of operated patients in subdivisions of medical organizations providing outpatient medical care and in conditions of day-stay hospitals, data from the Federal statistical observation form № 30 for 2010-2019 was analyzed. The statistical and analytical methods were applied. It was established that in the Russian Federation, during 10 years, in subdivisions of medical organizations providing outpatient medical care, the number of implemented operations decreased from 5,639,983 to 4,962,020 (by 12.0%), and the number of operated patients – from 5,277,077 to 4,580,195 (by 13.2%). The structure of surgical interventions performed in medical organizations providing outpatient care has practically not changed (operations on the skin and subcutaneous tissue, oral cavity and maxillo-facial region, female genital organs, musculoskeletal system, organ of vision). The structure of surgical interventions practically had no changes (operations on skin and subcutaneous tissue, oral cavity and maxillo-facial region, female genital organs, musculoskeletal system, organ of vision). During the studied period, the number of operations performed in day-stay hospitals of medical organizations providing outpatient medical care increased from 181,659 to 720,633 (4.0 times), the number of operated patients – from 168,188 to 650,196 (3.9 times). Mainly in day-stay hospitals, operations are performed on organ of vision, female genital organs, skin and subcutaneous tissue. In 2010-2019, the percentage of operations performed in subdivisions of medical organizations providing outpatient medical care, decreased from 96.9% to 87.3%, and in day-stay hospitals increased from 3.1% to 12.7%. The study results testify expansion of volumes of surgical work in day-stay hospitals of medical organizations providing outpatient medical care.
PMID:35439387 | DOI:10.32687/0869-866X-2022-30-2-264-269