Nevin Manimala Statistics

XP Endo Finisher-R and PUI as supplementary methods to remove root filling materials from curved canals

Braz Oral Res. 2022 Apr 15;36:e053. doi: 10.1590/1807-3107bor-2022.vol36.0053. eCollection 2022.


This study assessed the ability of XP-endo Finisher R (FKG, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland) to remove filling remnants from curved mesiobuccal canals of maxillary molars, using the passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) technique as a comparison. Twenty-four curved main mesiobuccal canals (MB1) of maxillary molars were instrumented with Wave One (#25/07) and filled with gutta-percha points and AH Plus Sealer. Samples were then re-treated with a standardized protocol with Wave One (#35/06) as the master apical file. Micro-CT scans measured baseline volume of remaining filling material (in mm3). Samples were divided into two groups (n = 12) according to the supplementary cleaning approach: (PUI) or XP-endo Finisher R. Statistics compared baseline and final volume of filling material (within-group); and the percentage of filling material reduction (between-group). Mean baseline volumes, final volumes, and percentages of reduction (%) of filling material for XP-endo Finisher R and PUI were respectively: 0.060 mm3, 0.042 mm3, and 31.28%; and 0.064 mm3, 0.054 mm3, and 16.57%. Both tested protocols reduced the amount of filling material (p < 0.05). XP-endo Finisher R had higher percentage of reduction as compared to PUI (p < 0.05). XP-endo Finisher R and PUI used as supplementary cleaning protocols during re-treatment improved the removal of root filling material in curved canals; but XP-endo Finisher R was approximately twice more efficient. The complete filling material removal during re-treatment procedures is still a challenge. Supplementary cleaning protocols may help to remove the remaining material after the complete mechanical preparation of curved canals. XP-endo Finisher R was approximately twice more efficient than PUI.

PMID:35442382 | DOI:10.1590/1807-3107bor-2022.vol36.0053

By Nevin Manimala

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