Int J Health Plann Manage. 2022 Apr 20. doi: 10.1002/hpm.3478. Online ahead of print.
INTRODUCTION: In recent years, China’s economy has grown rapidly, and the health condition of Chinese residents has significantly improved. However, this rapid economic and social development has also brought a series of environmental problems, such as serious haze pollution, of which the main contents are PM2.5 particles. The objective of this study is to quantitatively estimate the PM2.5 -related health costs in China.
METHODS: Based on city-level data from 140 major Chinese cities as well as the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, and Pearl River Delta city clusters in 2010, the value of a statistical life method based on willingness to pay was employed. Moreover, global and local Moran’s I values were calculated to examine the spatial distribution of the health cost of haze pollution in China.
RESULTS: In areas with heavy haze pollution or a high level of economic development, residents’ health costs will also be higher. In addition, there is a spatial aggregation phenomenon in the spatial distribution of health costs in China, which is mainly in the form of “high-high” aggregation, with high-value cities converging with other high-value cities.
CONCLUSIONS: The health cost of haze pollution in China is very considerable, and there are regional differences.
PMID:35445442 | DOI:10.1002/hpm.3478