Nevin Manimala Statistics

Two-step verification method for Monte Carlo codes in biomedical optics applications

J Biomed Opt. 2022 Apr;27(8). doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.27.8.083018.


SIGNIFICANCE: Code verification is an unavoidable step prior to using a Monte Carlo (MC) code. Indeed, in biomedical optics, a widespread verification procedure for MC codes is still missing. Analytical benchmarks that can be easily used for the verification of different MC routines offer an important resource.

AIM: We aim to provide a two-step verification procedure for MC codes enabling the two main tasks of an MC simulator: (1) the generation of photons’ trajectories and (2) the intersections of trajectories with boundaries separating the regions with different optical properties. The proposed method is purely based on elementary analytical benchmarks, therefore, the correctness of an MC code can be assessed with a one-sample t-test.

APPROACH: The two-step verification is based on the following two analytical benchmarks: (1) the exact analytical formulas for the statistical moments of the spatial coordinates where the scattering events occur in an infinite medium and (2) the exact invariant solutions of the radiative transfer equation for radiance, fluence rate, and mean path length in media subjected to a Lambertian illumination.

RESULTS: We carried out a wide set of comparisons between MC results and the two analytical benchmarks for a wide range of optical properties (from non-scattering to highly scattering media, with different types of scattering functions) in an infinite non-absorbing medium (step 1) and in a non-absorbing slab (step 2). The deviations between MC results and exact analytical values are usually within two standard errors (i.e., t-tests not rejected at a 5% level of significance). The comparisons show that the accuracy of the verification increases with the number of simulated trajectories so that, in principle, an arbitrary accuracy can be obtained.

CONCLUSIONS: Given the simplicity of the verification method proposed, we envision that it can be widely used in the field of biomedical optics.

PMID:35445592 | DOI:10.1117/1.JBO.27.8.083018

By Nevin Manimala

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