Nevin Manimala Statistics

Comparison of the Pap smear with conventional technique versus modified technique

Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc. 2022 Mar 1;60(2):164-170.


BACKGROUND: Despite the fact that the Papanicolaou technique is the most effective method of prevention and detection of cervical cancer, the precision of this tool remains controversial; Because of this, there are medical and scientific efforts to improve the quality of the procedure.

OBJECTIVE: Compare the quality of sampling between the conventional and modified technique.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Descriptive and comparative observational study in 150 cervical cytology samples (75 conventional technique samples and 75 in modified technique) in women aged 25 to 64 years. Demographic variables, characteristics of the cervix and quality of the sample were analyzed. Descriptive statistics and association measures were performed. Study with risk greater than the minimum. All participants signed an informed consent.

RESULTS: The quality of the sample was satisfactory in 92.0% for the conventional technique vs 89.3% for the modified technique. The main cause of unsatisfactory samples was insufficient cellularity 6.7% in conventional technique vs 12% of the modified technique, with no significant difference between both techniques p = 0.575 (1.37; 0.45-4.1), findings that reject the working hypothesis.

CONCLUSIONS: There was no significant difference when using both tests, the samples with satisfactory quality were similar between both techniques.


By Nevin Manimala

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