Nevin Manimala Statistics

The psycho-social health of students during first part of COVID-10 pandemy

Przegl Epidemiol. 2022;76(1):104-117. doi: 10.32394/pe.76.11.


INTRODUCTION: In 2020, the world was gripped by a global pandemic caused by a new strain of coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. Highly contagious, rapidly spreading virus caused massive infections around the world and forced isolation of patients and quarantine of contact persons. Social isolation, caused by the introduction of compulsory distance or resulting from the course of the quarantine process, may result in the loss of emotional ties between individuals, thus leading to the weakening of the social support network.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to assess whether and to what extent the restrictions caused by the first wave of SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemics affected emotional state and everyday behavior of students of Polish universities.

MATERIAL AND METHODOLOGY: 1,095 students took part in the study – 82.1% of women and 17.9% men, aged 19 and over up to 55 years of age, living mostly in cities. The diagnostic survey method was applied using proprietary questionnaires. The questionnaire was distributed by Internet. The results were processed using the Statistica v.13.3 program with the application of descriptive statistics and tests χ2 and Anova.

RESULTS: According to 80% of respondents, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is a serious threat for health. During the first wave of the pandemic, students were accompanied mainly by difficult emotions: uncertainty (61%), depression (28.9%), worry (28.7%), nervousness (37.7%) and anger (24%). According to 50.2%, their relations with household members were not changed, while students declaring changes in family relationships pointed to their loosening and limitation.

CONCLUSIONS: A significant majority of students stated that the COVID-19 pandemic is a serious threat to health and has a regular interest in epidemiological data concerning coronavirus. Medical students declared the highest risk. The first wave of the pandemic resulted in the intensification of difficult emotions and for half of the respondents changes in the functioning of their family relationships.

PMID:35861098 | DOI:10.32394/pe.76.11

By Nevin Manimala

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