J Appl Biomater Funct Mater. 2022 Jan-Dec;20:22808000221114715. doi: 10.1177/22808000221114715.
The analysis of nanofluids under various physical scenarios convinced the researchers and scientists because of their broad range of applications in potential area of the current time like chemical engineering, biomedical engineering and applied thermal engineering etc. To give the final shape of many industrial and engineering processes, enhanced heat transfer desired, therefore, the study of Al2O3-H2O, γAl2O3-H2O, Al2O3-C2H6O2, and γAl2O3– C2H6O2 nanofluids is reported. The model successfully achieved after mathematical operations and by appealing similarity transforms. To examine the behavior of heat transfer, numerical tools utilized and performed the results. It is observed that enhanced heat transfer in Al2O3-H2O, γAl2O3-H2O, Al2O3-C2H6O2, and γAl2O3-C2H6O2 could be attained by setting nanoparticles concentration up to 20%. For Al2O3-H2O, γAl2O3-H2O, optimum heat transfer trends noticed due to their prominent thermophysical values. Also, fewer effects of combined convection on θ(η) examined.
PMID:35912571 | DOI:10.1177/22808000221114715