Wiad Lek. 2022;75(11 pt 2):2835-2838. doi: 10.36740/WLek202211219.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the work is to identify the peculiarities of medical and social justification of the financial and economic condition of «Horodenka non-commercial center of primary medical care» before and after introduction of a hospital district. To achieve the goal, the following are defined task: to conduct an analysis of the main indicators of «Horodenka non-commercial center of primary medical care»; to determine the problems of inefficient work of the «Horodenka non-commercial center of primary medical care».
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: When conducting research, they were used general scientific and special methods of research, in particular the system approach and system analysis – to carry out a comprehensive study of the identified objects and systems in their external and internal relationships, as well as determination of approaches to identifying and analyzing problems and developing ways to solve them solution; process approach – for the study of various types of activities in the existing management system of the health care facility before and after implementation of the hospital district; medical and statistical – for statistical processing of received data; analytical methods.
RESULTS: Results: The efficiency of health care facilities and the quality of the provided medical services are considered as the main target functions of the health care system. In many countries, programs for ensuring the quality of medical care have been implemented and are operating. The activities of Ukrainian medical institutions and the health care system as a whole are often harshly criticized by patients and the public for the low quality of providing medical services. The quality of medical services, medical care and medical infrastructure definitely depends on the principles of building the Ukrainian medical system and the development of the national economy. Because without a financial basis, it is very difficult to build an effective health care system and ensure proper medical care and the work of all medical institutions.
CONCLUSION: Conclusions: Thus, after the introduction of the hospital district in the «Horodenka non-commercial center of primary medical care», it is proposed to carry out a number of measures to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of financial management. In order to increase the efficiency of management, including financial resources, it is important to improve personnel management. The main emphasis in the management is the formation of the personnel potential of the «Horodenka non-commercial center of primary medical care» the involvement of qualified specialists in the field of medicine, the motivation of various directions for the support and improvement of the qualifications of management personnel. It is also important to use the system of financial planning of a budget institution, to ensure expenses for its life activities. In particular, the main direction of cost control is targeted use of funds, strict control over this use, formation of an effective internal audit system of a medical institution.
PMID:36591776 | DOI:10.36740/WLek202211219