Nevin Manimala Statistics

Quantum Fluxes at the Inner Horizon of a Spinning Black Hole

Phys Rev Lett. 2022 Dec 23;129(26):261102. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.261102.


Rotating or charged classical black holes in isolation possess a special surface in their interior, the Cauchy horizon, beyond which the evolution of spacetime (based on the equations of General Relativity) ceases to be deterministic. In this Letter, we study the effect of a quantum massless scalar field on the Cauchy horizon inside a rotating (Kerr) black hole that is evaporating via the emission of Hawking radiation (corresponding to the field being in the Unruh state). We calculate the flux components (in Eddington coordinates) of the renormalized stress-energy tensor of the field on the Cauchy horizon, as functions of the black hole spin and of the polar angle. We find that these flux components are generically nonvanishing. Furthermore, we find that the flux components change sign as these parameters vary. The signs of the fluxes are important, as they provide an indication of whether the Cauchy horizon expands or crushes (when backreaction is taken into account). Regardless of these signs, our results imply that the flux components generically diverge on the Cauchy horizon when expressed in coordinates which are regular there. This is the first time that irregularity of the Cauchy horizon under a semiclassical effect is conclusively shown for (four-dimensional) spinning black holes.

PMID:36608207 | DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.261102

By Nevin Manimala

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