Nevin Manimala Statistics

Do MRI-derived muscle moment-arms in patients with chronic low back pain differ from healthy individuals? A comparative study

Eur Spine J. 2023 Feb 22. doi: 10.1007/s00586-023-07601-y. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVES: The present study aimed to estimate the trunk muscles moment-arms in low back pain (LBP) patients and compare this data to those of healthy individuals. This research further explored whether the difference of the moment-arms between these two is a contributing factor to LBP.

METHODOLOGY: Fifty patients with CLBP (group A) and 25 healthy controls (group B) were enrolled. All participants were subjected to magnetic resonance imaging of lumbar spine. Muscle moment-arms were estimated on a T2W axial section parallel to the disc.

RESULTS: There was statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in the sagittal plane moment-arms at L1-L2 for right erector spinae (ES), bilateral psoas and rectus abdominis (RA), right quadratus lumborum (QL), and left obliques; bilateral ES, QL, RA, and right psoas at L2-L3; bilateral QL, RA, and obliques at L3-L4; bilateral RA and obliques at L4-L5; and bilateral psoas, RA, and obliques at L5-S1. There was no statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in the coronal plane moment-arms except for left ES and QL at L1-L2; left QL and right RA at L3-L4; right RA and obliques at L4-L5; and bilateral ES and right RA at L5-S1.

CONCLUSIONS: There was a significant difference in muscle moment-arms of the lumbar spine’s prime stabilizer (psoas) and primary locomotors (rectus abdominis and obliques) between LBP patients and healthy individuals. This difference in the moment-arms leads to altered compressive forces at intervertebral discs and may be one of the risk factors for LBP.

PMID:36813904 | DOI:10.1007/s00586-023-07601-y

By Nevin Manimala

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