Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2023 Mar 11:S1877-1297(23)00001-1. doi: 10.1016/j.cptl.2023.02.001. Online ahead of print.
INTRODUCTION: This study evaluated student reported achievement of essential elements (EE) across three required advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs) to identify differences in the frequency of each EE during different delivery modalities.
METHODS: APPE students from three different programs were assigned a self-assessment EE inventory after required acute care, ambulatory care, and community pharmacy APPEs between May 2018 and December 2020. Using a four-point frequency scale, students reported exposure to and completion of each EE. Pooled data were analyzed to compare differences in frequencies of EE during standard and disrupted delivery. All standard delivery APPEs were in-person, but during the study period APPEs shifted to a disrupted delivery using hybrid and remote formats. Frequency changes were reported as combined data and compared between programs.
RESULTS: A total of 2191 of 2259 (97%) evaluations were completed. Acute care APPEs had a statistically significant change in frequency of evidence-based medicine elements. Ambulatory care APPEs had a statistically significant decrease in the frequency of reported pharmacist patient care elements. Community pharmacy had a statistically significant decrease in frequency in each category of EE except practice management. Statistically significant differences between programs were observed for select EEs.
CONCLUSIONS: The frequency of EE completion during disrupted APPEs revealed minimal change. Acute care was the least impacted whereas community APPEs experienced the greatest change. This may be attributable to shifts in direct patient interactions during the disruption. Ambulatory care was impacted to a lesser degree, potentially due to utilization of telehealth communications.
PMID:36914444 | DOI:10.1016/j.cptl.2023.02.001