Nevin Manimala Statistics

Comparative effectiveness of verbal instruction versus video-based education (VIVid) among family caregivers for improving the quality of life in advanced head and neck cancer patients receiving palliative care in Eastern India: a randomized controlled trial

Qual Life Res. 2023 Aug 2. doi: 10.1007/s11136-023-03484-0. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: To determine if video-based educational intervention compared to the standard verbal guidelines, provided to caregivers on home-based palliative care could enhance the quality of life (QoL) in advanced head and neck cancer (HNC) patients.

METHODS: The study employed a prospective, two-arm parallel-group, randomized controlled trial design. Investigators prepared a real-world demonstrational video of ten minutes duration regarding home-based care for family caregivers, with voice-over in Odia language (Eastern India). The contents of the video addressed the management of common problems in palliative care among HNC patients. This study included 180 participants, 90 patient & caregiver dyads randomized to interventional (video-based education) or control (verbal instruction) groups. Patients’ QoL was measured at baseline and 3 weeks follow-up using EORTC QLQ C30. Data were analyzed descriptively, and the Chi-square, Mann-Whitney U, T-test, spearman correlation, and multiple hierarchical regression analyses were employed for statistical analysis, with a significance level of p < 0.05.

RESULTS: Seventy participant dyads completed the planned two assessments: baseline and at the end of 3rd week (Intervention = 37; Control = 33). The intervention group showed a significant improvement in the patient’s health-related QoL, physical, emotional, and social functioning. Symptom burden reduction was observed for pain, nausea, and fatigue. A significant increase in the change in QoL with the video-based education group (VBE) compared to the verbal instruction (VI) group after adjusting for age, gender, physical functioning, and pain symptomology (adjusted R2 = 0.402) was noted.

CONCLUSION: VBE intervention using smart-phone may offer caregivers a viable means of enhancing self-management while improving patients’ QoL within the socio-cultural challenges for home-based palliative care in India. Further research on training caregivers using digital interventions and home-based visits is recommended.

TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: CTRI/2021/06/034473 [Registered on: 30/06/2021].

PMID:37530959 | DOI:10.1007/s11136-023-03484-0

By Nevin Manimala

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