Nevin Manimala Statistics

Risk factors affecting visual outcomes following dropped nucleus after cataract surgery

Eye (Lond). 2023 Aug 4. doi: 10.1038/s41433-023-02668-9. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND/ AIMS: To describe the visual outcomes in eyes with dropped nucleus during phacoemulsification surgery.

SETTING: Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC).

DESIGN: Retrospective chart review of prospectively reported cases of dropped nucleus.

METHODS: The clinical charts of all cases of dropped nucleus (Jan 2001 to Dec 2016) were retrospectively reviewed for patient demographics, surgeon type, stage of surgery, timing of pars plana vitrectomy (PPV), and complications. Visual success was defined as best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) ≥ 20/40 at last review. Final risk factors affecting visual success were identified using multivariate logistic regression analysis.

RESULTS: Incidence of dropped nucleus following cataract surgery was 0.17% (n = 292). Duration of follow-up was 25.5 months (mean), 18.5 months (median). There was a statistically significant difference in dropped nucleus rate between Residents (0.3%) and Faculty (0.14%) (x2 = 38.2, P < 0.001), but ensuing major complications rates were similar. PPV was performed in 251 eyes (87.2%). At final examination, 202 cases (85.2%) achieved BCVA 20/40 or better, after excluding patients with co-existing ocular pathology. Timing of vitrectomy (delayed vs same-day) did not influence the final visual success (x2 = 0.969, p = 0.51). Risk factors for poor visual outcomes included age >70 years, absence of intraocular lens (IOL) implant, and presence of major complications.

CONCLUSION: Overall incidence of dropped nucleus in SNEC was 0.17%, with BCVA of 20/40 or better in 85.2% cases. Visual prognosis was influenced by patient’s age, presence of IOL implant or additional major complications.

PMID:37542173 | DOI:10.1038/s41433-023-02668-9

By Nevin Manimala

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