Nevin Manimala Statistics

Cleaning efficiency of different irrigation techniques in simulated severely curved complex root canal systems

J Endod. 2023 Aug 14:S0099-2399(23)00496-X. doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2023.08.006. Online ahead of print.


INTRODUCTION: To compare the biofilm-mimicking hydrogel removal efficiency of Laser-activated irrigation (LAI, AdvErl Evo, Morita) with five other irrigation techniques in simulated curved root canals with lateral canals.

METHODS: 3D-printed root canal models (60°-curvature, radius 5mm; dimension 25/.06) with a total length of 20mm and lateral canals in all directions at 2, 5 and 8mm (diameter 0.2mm) from the apex were filled with a colored biofilm-mimicking hydrogel. The following protocols (each 3x20s continuous irrigation with distilled water 3ml/20s; n=20) were carried out: conventional needle irrigation (=NI); manual agitation (=MA, gutta-percha point 25/.06); EndoActivator (=SAI-EA, 25/.04); EDDY (=SAI-E; 25/.04); ultrasonically-activated irrigation (=UAI) and LAI (Er:YAG-laser; P400FL tip at canal entrance; 25pps, 50mJ, 300μs). Standardized photos were taken with a microscope and the removal of the hydrogel was determined as a percentage for the entire system, the main canal and the lateral canals. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA and Scheffé test (P=.05).

RESULTS: LAI (89.3±5.9%) showed the greatest hydrogel removal followed by SAI-E (65.5±3.3%) and UAI (59.1±4.7%), with significant differences between these groups (P<.05). NI, MA and SAI-EA performed equally (P>.05) and obtained the significantly lowest values (P<.05). LAI and SAI-E showed the significantly best hydrogel removal from the main canal (P<.05). At all three levels, LAI removed significantly more hydrogel from the lateral canals than all other techniques (P<.05).

CONCLUSION: LAI was superior to other techniques in both the entire system and the lateral canals in removing the hydrogel. SAI-E achieved comparable results in the main canal.

PMID:37586645 | DOI:10.1016/j.joen.2023.08.006

By Nevin Manimala

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