Nevin Manimala Statistics

Evaluation of the Knowledge and Attitude of Adolescents Regarding the HPV Infection, HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer in a Region from the Northwest of Romania

Patient Prefer Adherence. 2023 Sep 8;17:2249-2262. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S421875. eCollection 2023.


PURPOSE: In Romania, after reaching the age of 18, teenage girls can make an informed decision about vaccination. The aim of the study was to evaluate both knowledge and attitudes related to HPV infection, HPV vaccination, cervical cancer, as well as intentions, reservations, reasons that could influence the decision related to vaccination.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: We applied an anonymized questionnaire to 690 teenage girls in the 18-19 age group, recruited from 15 high schools in Bihor County. Based on the answers to the question corresponding to item 14 of subscale 3, 2 groups were identified: the group with a hesitant behavior called the non-vaccine group (GNV) and the group with a positive behavior called the pro-vaccine group (GPV). The statistical analysis was processed by using IBM-SPSS 22.

RESULTS: The analysis revealed significant differences between the groups in terms of the level of knowledge and attitudes related to vaccination, the adolescent girls in the GPV being more aware of the role and importance of HPV vaccination and more open to the idea of vaccination. For the GNV, the behavior can be explained by the fact that even if they have heard about the HPV infection being transmitted through unprotected sex and they think that vaccination in general is necessary to prevent certain diseases, they do not know if HPV vaccination would be effective in protecting them in the future. Adolescents from GPV declare they would accept HPV vaccination if it would be offered to them or they are already vaccinated.

CONCLUSION: Alongside interventions targeting parents and health-care professionals, it is necessary to improve the level of knowledge of adolescents about HPV infection, HPV vaccination and cervical cancer, by organizing information campaigns in schools, campaigns in which professionals in the field should be involved, but also by implementing education programs addressed to them.

PMID:37706209 | PMC:PMC10497041 | DOI:10.2147/PPA.S421875

By Nevin Manimala

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