Nevin Manimala Statistics

Pilot Study: Periosteal Mattress Sutures as an Alternative to Pins and Screws in Guided Bone Regeneration in the Esthetic Zone

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2023 Oct 24;(7):s217-s226. doi: 10.11607/prd.6212.


OBJECTIVES: To quantify the buccal bone thickness, area, and perimeter following guided bone regeneration (GBR) using stabilizing periosteal sutures. The loss in hard tissue volume may impair proper implant placement. GBR has been used to regenerate the lost alveolar ridge prior to or at the same time as dental implant placement. The most important factor for GBR success is graft stability. The periosteal mattress suture (PMS) stabilizing technique is an alternative to pins and screws to stabilize bone grafting material and has the advantage of not requiring the removal of the fixing devices.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A CBCT was acquired before and 6 months after surgery from six patients who underwent GBR with the PMS stabilizing technique. Images were analyzed for buccal bone thickness, area, and perimeter.

RESULTS: The mean change in buccal bone thickness was 3.42 mm (± 1.31 SD) and proved statistically significant (P = .005). The mean change in bone crest area also proved statistically significant (P = .001). No significant difference was found in bone perimeter (P = .12).

CONCLUSIONS: The PMS technique delivered optimal results without clinical complications. This study shows the potential of this technique as an alternative to pins or screws for graft stabilization in the esthetic zone.

PMID:37879059 | DOI:10.11607/prd.6212

By Nevin Manimala

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