Nevin Manimala Statistics

Impact of In- Service Training Program on Nurses’ Performance for Minimizing Chemotherapy Extravasation

Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2023 Oct 1;24(10):3537-3542. doi: 10.31557/APJCP.2023.24.10.3537.


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of an in-service training program on nurses’ performance in minimizing chemotherapy extravasation.

METHOD: Quasi-experimental (Pre /Posttest) research design was utilized to conduct this study. The study was conducted at the internal medical oncology departments at South Egypt Cancer Institute. A convenience sample was used to select all available nurses working in medical oncology departments (40) nurses. Data was collected by using a pre/post questionnaire sheet for nurses’ knowledge, Pre/post observation checklist for nurses’ practice, and an in-service nursing training program on nurses’ knowledge and practice for minimizing chemotherapy extravasation.

RESULTS: The majority of nurses have attained any training program related to chemotherapy extravasation in their last 10 years of educational and professional training, There was a Positive correlation between nurses’ knowledge scores pre and post-implementation of in-service training program with ±SD mean 23.77±.97 and with P. value <0.001** There were highly statistical significant differences between total score checklist nurses’ practice pre/ post implementation of in-service training program on nurses to minimize chemotherapy extravasation through mean 234.97± .15 and Value < 0.001**.

CONCLUSION: The In-service training program had statistically significant improvement on totally nurses’ knowledge and practice on minimizing chemotherapy extravasation.

PMID:37898860 | DOI:10.31557/APJCP.2023.24.10.3537

By Nevin Manimala

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