Nevin Manimala Statistics

Multiple PCR ALLPLEX TM ENTERO-DR for multidrug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae management at Albacete University Hospital

Rev Esp Salud Publica. 2023 Dec 13;97:e202312110.


OBJECTIVE: Multi-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (MRE) are a public health threat, with screening and isolation strategies being important to stop its dissemination. Multiplex PCR is a novel method capable of rapid diagnosis with high sensitivity and specificity. In this study, our objective was to evaluate its application to multidrug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae management since its implementation in our hospital.

METHODS: An observational retrospective descriptive study of multiplex PCR ALLPLEX TM ENTERO-DR results to screen inpatients colonized by MRE took place from November 2019 to May 2021. We calculated the percentage of positive, negative, non-identifiable or invalid results, identified microorganisms, reason for requesting it and subsequent actions. Median and I.R. from sampling time to partial and theoretical culture time, and since last colonization/infection depending on test results were calculated.

RESULTS: Resistance mechanisms were detected in 31.47% of tests, being E. coli ESBL (68.99%) the most frequently isolated microorganism. Median time to partial result was 5.75 hours (I.R.: 2.67), having statistically significant differences with theoretical time. The most important reason to request the test was screening (80.12%) and the most frequent action taken was not to isolate (41.70 %). Whenever forty-nine months or more since last colonization/infection have passed, only 14.81% of the samples tested positive.

CONCLUSIONS: Multiplex PCR is a useful test to manage colonized patients, capable of giving a rapid result and allowing for quicker decision-making, contributing to a good use of resources and patient comfort.


By Nevin Manimala

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