Nevin Manimala Statistics

Analysis of Internal Dermatology Matches Following the COVID-19 Pandemic

Cutis. 2023 Nov;112(5):229-231. doi: 10.12788/cutis.0891.


Dermatology has long been recognized as a highly competitive field within medicine, with extremely limited spots available for aspiring dermatologists to secure residencies across the United States. We sought to evaluate the trends and factors influencing the match process in dermatology residencies, particularly given the changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Using data from publicly available match lists and regional categorizations, we studied the rates of internal and regional matches for dermatology applicants in the postpandemic era (2022-2023) compared with prepandemic statistics. Overall, the research sheds light on the evolving dynamics of dermatology residency matching in response to pandemic-induced changes and applicant preferences.

PMID:38091443 | DOI:10.12788/cutis.0891

By Nevin Manimala

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